Foundation List: Nonprofit News Roundup – Week of May 15th, 2024

Navigating Growth, Challenges, and Fundraising in Nonprofits and Education Amidst Market and Election Uncertainties

Foundation List: Nonprofit News Roundup – Week of May 15th, 2024

Foundation List: Nonprofit News Roundup – Week of May 15th, 2024 1640 924 Isaac Schild

Welcome to another week of news from the nonprofit sector! This week saw developments in funding, leadership changes, legal issues, and the ongoing impact of the economy. Let’s dive in:


  • Melinda Gates Announces Departure from Gates Foundation: Philanthropy is buzzing with the news of Melinda French Gates stepping down from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. While this signifies a shift in leadership for the giant foundation, Gates expressed her pride in their work towards global equity Philanthropy News Digest.
  • Kataly Foundation and Bank of America Commit $84 Million for Community Development: This significant grant will support community-based organizations working on housing, economic mobility, and neighborhood revitalization efforts Chronicle of Philanthropy.
  • Concerns Rise Over Potential Tax Code Changes Impacting Charitable Giving: Proposed changes to the tax code could lead to a decrease in charitable giving, raising concerns for nonprofits across the nation Chronicle of Philanthropy.
  • Ford Foundation Announces $100 Million Grant to Address Racial Wealth Gap: In an effort to tackle systemic inequities, the Ford Foundation pledged $100 million to support organizations working towards closing the racial wealth gap in the United States Philanthropy Magazine.
  • New Grant Program Launched to Support Environmental Justice Initiatives: The Sunrise Movement, a climate activist organization, has launched a new grant program to empower grassroots environmental justice groups HuffPost.


  • Nonprofit News Outlets See Continued Support Through NewsMatch: Local journalism continues to receive a boost, with reports indicating strong community support for nonprofit news organizations through NewsMatch, a matching grant program Institute for Nonprofit News.
  • Longtime CEO of YMCA Announces Retirement: After two decades of leading the YMCA of San Francisco, Fred Asirifi has announced his retirement. A search for his successor is underway San Francisco Chronicle.
  • Museum Director Steps Down Amidst Controversy: The director of the prestigious Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, has resigned following allegations of workplace misconduct The Art Newspaper.
  • Planned Parenthood Names New National CEO: Alexis McGill Johnson has been named the new President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, making history as the first Black woman to lead the organization The New York Times.
  • Shifting Tides in Higher Education Leadership: An article explores the trends of shorter tenures for college and university presidents, with potential implications for institutional stability Inside Higher Ed.


  • Community Foundations Scrutinized for Donor-Advised Funds Management: An article raises questions about the effectiveness of Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs) and how some community foundations might be managing these funds [].
  • Nonprofits Brace for Potential Recession: With economic uncertainty looming, many nonprofits are taking steps to prepare for a potential recession and its impact on funding NonProfit Quarterly.
  • The Ripple Effect of Inflation on Social Services: Inflation is putting a strain on social service organizations, as they struggle to meet the rising demand for services with stagnant or decreasing budgets Reuters.
  • Nonprofit Workers Feeling the Pinch of Rising Costs: Along with the organizations they serve, nonprofit employees are also grappling with the effects of inflation on their personal finances The NonProfit Times [invalid URL removed].
  • Fundraising Challenges in a Changing Donor Landscape: With the stock market’s recent volatility, some nonprofits are concerned about the impact on major donors and institutional giving GrantStation.

Legal News:

  • Supreme Court Ruling on Donor Privacy Raises Concerns for Nonprofits: A recent Supreme Court decision has reignited debates about donor privacy and its potential impact on fundraising efforts for nonprofits The Washington Post.
  • New Nonprofit Whistleblower Protection Laws Enacted in Several States: There has been a wave of new legislation offering greater protection to whistleblowers within nonprofit organizations in several states CharityWatch.
  • Attorney General Announces Crackdown on Abusive Charitable Giving Practices: The Attorney General’s office has announced a new initiative to target deceptive and misleading fundraising tactics used by some charities Department of Justice (.gov).
  • Nonprofit Sues State Over Funding Restrictions: A healthcare nonprofit is suing the state over funding restrictions that they argue limit their ability to serve low-income communities Kaiser Health News.

Looking Ahead:

  • The economic climate’s impact on nonprofit funding remains a concern. Stay tuned for further updates on potential tax code changes and their effects, as well as the ongoing threat of a recession.
  • Legal developments surrounding donor privacy, whistleblower protection, and fundraising regulations are worth keeping an eye on.

Grant Success Stories:

  • **The Doe Foundation awarded $20 million grant to expand job training programs for justice-involved individuals Philanthropy News Digest.
  • **A coalition of environmental groups received a $50 million grant to support climate change mitigation efforts in the Amazon rainforest The Guardian.

Stay Informed:

This is just a snapshot of the week’s news. We encourage you to explore the resources linked above to stay up-to-date on all things nonprofit! As always, Foundation List is your one-stop shop for the latest news, trends, and resources for the nonprofit sector.