Managing Director

Managing Director

Managing Director 150 150 WCWS
We Care We Share Ministries
December 18, 2024
Job Type
Contact Name (not public)
Michele Schraff
Main Phone


We Care We Share Ministries Managing Director Job Description:

The We Care We Share Ministries (WCWS) Managing Director will be a member of the WCWS board of directors and have overall administrative responsibility for WCWS Ministries management staff; program budgets and operations; and community outreach necessary for the execution of the organization’s strategic goals and mission.  The expected commitment for this position is approximately 50 hours / month.

Leadership & Management:

  • Ensure effective systems to monitor overall program performance, track progress against goals and regularly evaluate program components, so as to measure successes that can be effectively communicated to the Board, funders, and other constituents
  • Administer the WCWS operational budget in coordination with the board treasurer and WCWS management staff
  • Ensure adherence to all inspection, etc. requirements to maintain necessary licenses
  • Ensure overall operational effectiveness through leadership and supervision of  the WCWS operational management team (Food Pantry Manager, Clothing Closet Manager, Greenhouse Manager, Facilities Manager, My House Resident Onsite Manager, and My House Resident Programs Manager)
  • Serve as representative of each program; seek and build Board involvement in the development and execution of the organization’s strategic vision
  • Recommend timelines and resources needed to achieve the strategic goals

Fundraising & Community Outreach:

  • Establish a positive community presence for WCWS by:
    • Expansion and refinement of all aspects of communications — from web presence to external relations with the goal of creating more awareness and support of our mission
    • Active engagement in community outreach and volunteer programs
    • Use external presence to garner new opportunities through networking with other organizations and attendance at relevant local community meetings
    • Expansion of local revenue generating and fundraising activities to support existing program operations
  • Assist the board with grant research, grant writing and engagement with funding organizations to support WCWS ongoing programs
  • Establish relationships and build partnerships with funders, Business Volunteers Unlimited, political and community leaders, and other organizations to support the vision and mission of WCWS


The Director will be thoroughly committed to We Care We Share Ministries’ mission. Candidates should have proven leadership, coaching, and relationship management experience.

Specific requirements include:

  • Demonstrate passion, integrity, positive attitude, mission-driven focus, self-motivation, and professionalism
  • Strong marketing, public relations, and fundraising experience with the ability to engage a wide range of stakeholders and cultures
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills; a persuasive and passionate communicator with excellent interpersonal and multidisciplinary project skills
  • Excellence in organizational management with the ability to manage staff and budget, and administer operational procedures 
  • Comfortable working with a Board of Directors 
  • Action-oriented, entrepreneurial, adaptable, and innovative approach to business planning
  • Ability to work effectively in collaboration with diverse groups of people

To apply, please send your resume and cover letter to

How To Apply

Applicants may submit a copy of their resume to   Location in the Northeast Ohio area preferred.

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